Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | font | document OCR: ne Spironolactone and ketoconazole bloc. e and synthesis of androgen, and spironolact n by cimetidine interfere with androgen act the competing with androgen for binding ow and androgen receptor. Testosterone may b juana, oestradiol may be high in abusers of m t reasons heroin, or methadone, although the ex stosterone are unclear, Alcohol can cause plasma e or levels to fall, independent of liver dise malnutrition. Antineoplastic and chemotherapeutic agents can impair ses spermatogenesis. Cyclophosphamide c W weeks azoospermia or oligospermia within a on skin's after the initiation of therapy. Combina chemotherapy for acute leukaemia, Ho impair disease, and other malignancies may a Leydig cell function.